Health and Productivity Management

Message from the President

AMADA has developed as a manufacturing company by practicing “Creativity” and “Challenge,” since its founding in 1946. We will continue to fulfill our active role in building a sustainable society while enhancing our corporate value.
To achieve this goal, we are strengthening our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management and structure in our medium-term business plan. One of the specific themes is “creating a rewarding workplace.” We will engage in health management, regarding the maintenance and improvement of health and vitality of each and every employee as “the foundation for long-term, secure work.”

AMADA has implemented a variety of measures to create a comfortable working environment where employees are healthy both mentally and physically. For example, in addition to the legally required items, various items such as cancer screening are added to the periodic medical checkups. We are working toward collaborative health care in cooperation with the AMADA Health Insurance Society. In the future, we intend to address issues that need to be resolved with the aim of reducing absenteeism and presenteeism.

AMADA has declared as follows that we have positioned “promotion of health management” as an important management issue in order to further develop health and productivity management based on our existing initiatives.

Photo: Takaaki Yamanashi, President and Chief Executive Officer
Takaaki Yamanashi
Representative Director, President

Health and Productivity Management Declaration

In order for AMADA to develop and grow sustainably, we believe that it is important to strengthen the ability of each and every employee to be happy and active and to work in good mental and physical health over the long term in line with the commitment of our Management Philosophy to “develop human resources who pursue creative and challenging activities.”
AMADA declares that we will work to improve the health and vitality of our diverse employees so that they can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities and achieve self-fulfillment.

Takaaki Yamanashi
Chief Health Officer (CHO)
Representative Director, President

Management issues to be solved through health and productivity management

Based on our Health and Productivity Management Declaration, we aim to increase corporate value by creating a foundation for each employee to work happily and energetically and with good mental and physical health over the long term.

Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map*

Illustration: Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map
  • Items targeted at AMADA CO., LTD.

Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map

Health Management Promotion System

The Representative Director, President will serve as the Chief Health Officer (CHO), and related departments, including the Health Management Promotion Committee, are working together to promote health and productivity management. The Health Management Promotion Committee works with the Health and Safety Committee and the health insurance society to formulate health management policies and annual activity plans for the AMADA Group. The contents of these will be reviewed by each subcommittee and then reported to the CHO. The CHO approves the annual activity plan and conducts its review on an annual basis. The results are reported to the Executive Management Meeting and discussed as necessary. Subcommittees established at each business site are also responsible for promoting health checkups, stress check measures, and health and productivity management events.

Illustration: Health Management Promotion System


In order to create an environment in which employees can work in good mental and physical health, we conduct health checkups with items such as cancer screening in addition to legally required items. We are also working toward collaborative health care in cooperation with the AMADA Health Insurance Society.

Major Initiatives Implemented in Health and Productivity Management

Main InitiativesDescription
Encouragement to seek medical consultation for persons with medical examination findingsEncouraging medical consultations and providing health guidance based on the results of regular health examinations.
Specific health guidance after a specific health checkupsImplementation of specific health guidance based on the results of specific health checkups.
Cancer prevention and controlCancer screenings are carried out for employees with the support of the AMADA Health Insurance Society, using opportunities such as statutory regular health checkups.
Implementation and group analysis of stress checksImplementation of statutory stress check initiatives and initiatives to improve the workplace environment using the results of group analysis.
Health education for employees(mental health education, etc.)Implementation of health education (mental health education, etc.) for employees.
Health education during training for new managersHealth education provided in-house training for newly appointed managers.
Holding of seminars on women’s healthA seminar on women's health was held for female employees at the Isehara Works. An outside lecturer was invited to talk about women's health according to age from the aspect of nutrition. From fiscal 2024, we plan to hold seminars at all sites for all employees regardless of gender.
Support for promoting communicationAs a company, we support the holding of events aimed at promoting communication among employees.
Health measurement eventsWe conduct vascular age and body composition measurements (at some sites) with the aim of raising employee awareness of their own health.
Health senryu competitionTo provide employees with an opportunity to think about health, they are invited to submit haiku-like poems known as senryu related to health with the best works receiving awards.
500,000-step walking campaignHeld twice a year as an AMADA Health Insurance Society event, incentives are provided to help participants achieve the goal.
Medical support through in-house clinicsMedical support such as prescription of drugs and health consultation is provided at the in-house clinic of the Isehara Works.
In-house health consultation service(supported by industrial health staff)A health consultation service has been established and the industrial health staff support all employees.
External health consultation serviceA health consultation service, available free of charge, has been established outside the company for employees and their families to use.
Promotion of healthy work stylesPromoting work-life balance through measures such as encouraging the use of paid holidays and introducing a work-interval system (time off before the next work period).
Smoking measures (smoking cessation support)Outpatient smoking cessation services are available at in-house clinics (prescription of smoking cessation aids for employees who wish to quit smoking, etc.).

Goals and Achievements

By promoting health and productivity management, AMADA CO., LTD. aims to reduce absenteeism and presenteeism to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of its employees.
In addition, to achieve a healthy workplace, increase work engagement and enhance leisure time, which significantly impacts work engagement, we will focus on improving work-life balance by increasing the rate of paid leave acquisition.

Health and Productivity Management-related evaluation metrics achievements*

IndicatorFY2022 ResultsFY2023 Results
Percentage of employees on long-term sick leave for more than 30 days
Number of employees with 30 days or more of absence/All employees
(Ratio of loss)
* Single-Item Presenteeism Question
Responses (to the one-item version of the University of Tokyo Questionnaire)
Work engagement
(Average score)
Conducted using the 80-item Brief Job Stress Questionnaire2.382.59
Percentage of employees taking health checkups
Rounded the first decimal100100
Percentage of paid leave taken
Paid leave taken during the fiscal year (days)/Paid leave granted during the fiscal year (days)68.473.9
  • Items targeted at AMADA CO., LTD.
Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
AMADA was recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category) for 2024. The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is designed to visualize and verify corporations, including large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises, that are practicing particularly excellent health management. Through health management, we will continue to promote an environment in which all employees can work with peace of mind and in good mental and physical health.
Logo: Health Management Excellence Corporation 2024 (Large Corporation Division) in the Certification System for Excellent Health Management Corporations

Participation in the Health and Productivity Management Alliance

AMADA CO., LTD. has participated in the Health & Productivity Management Alliance® since April 2024. The Health & Productivity Management Alliance, is an organization consisting of over 400 Japanese companies and organizations that share the common vision of “revitalizing Japanese companies through the health of employees and realizing sustainable health insurance.”
Through participation in this alliance, we will learn about initiatives that cut across industries and the like and work to enhance AMADA CO., LTD.'s health management initiatives.

Click here for the Health & Productivity Management Alliance portal site.

Logo: the Health & Productivity Management Alliance