Initiatives for Human Rights

AMADA Group Human Rights Policy

Basic Approach:

The AMADA Group's Management Philosophy of "Growing Together with Our Customers" and "Take good care of people and the earth’s environment” have been deeply instilled in our employees as fundamental values in our business activities since our establishment. Our Basic Policy on Sustainability stipulates that we respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including socially vulnerable groups, regardless of gender, nationality, or other individual characteristics, and promotes workplaces where diverse employees can engage in decent work in a safe and healthy working environment both physically and mentally. We believe that contributing to our customers’ manufacturing efforts around the world based on these values will lead to the development of local communities and enhance people's lives. We respect human dignity and human rights, which are inherent rights of every human being.


This policy applies to all officers and employees of our group (including permanent, contract, temporary, and part-time employees). We also encourage business partners, including those in our supply chain, to respect this policy, and we promote respect for human rights in collaboration with them.

Respect for International Standards:

We understand the human rights stipulated in the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as a minimum and respect these internationally recognized human rights. We support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and respect the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in our business activities.
We comply with the laws and regulations applicable in each country or region in which we operate. Where internationally recognized human rights differ from the laws and regulations of a country or region, we adopt the higher standard, and where there is a conflict between the two, we seek ways to respect international human rights principles to the maximum extent possible.

*The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work sets out five areas as core labour standards: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child labour; the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; and a safe and healthy working environment.

Human Rights Due Diligence:

We have established a human rights due diligence mechanism to continually identify and assess adverse human rights impacts of our business activities, plan and implement corrective actions, monitor, and disclose information.
We strive to avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our business activities and take appropriate measures to provide remedies if such impacts actually occur.
We seek to exercise leverage through business partners, including those in our supply chain, to prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts, even when we are not directly contributing to those impacts.

Education and Awareness-Raising:

We continuously educate and raise awareness among our officers and employees to ensure correct knowledge and understanding of respect for human rights.

Establishment of remedy mechanisms:

We have established a consultation desk that is accessible to internal and external stakeholders.
Whistleblowers who report to the consultation desk are ensured anonymity and confidentiality, and are thoroughly protected against disadvantageous treatment and retaliation, and efforts are made to take corrective and remedial measures.

Management Framework:

We will appoint a person responsible for human rights and establish a management framework to promote the policy. The person responsible will supervise compliance with this policy and report regularly to the Executive Management Committee. In addition, the policy will be implemented with the support of internal and external experts as necessary.

Dialogue and Collaboration:

We regularly disclose information on our respect for human rights. In addition, we take appropriate opportunities to engage in dialogue with our stakeholders and consult sincerely with them in the aim of continuous improvement.

Approved 1 February 2024
Takaaki Yamanashi
Representative Director, President


In fiscal 2022, as a step toward achieving gender equality, we conducted awareness-raising activities themed on LGBTQ issues.
In these activities, we felt it was necessary to ensure that Group teams in Japan which handle human resources and general affairs, as well as managers, were all on the same page, and we therefore invited an outside lecturer to host a study session. We have also established the Guidelines on Sexual Diversity, and have clearly prohibited harassment related to sexual orientation and gender identity in our employment regulations and anti-harassment rules.
Training sessions were held to promote understanding of these newly established guidelines, and we simultaneously made changes to facilities to accommodate requests for gender identity support. We will continue to hold study sessions and exchange opinions on the results of these initiatives.

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