Promoting Diversity

Basic Policy

One element of our Management Philosophy is to take good care of people and the earth’s environment. This includes the idea that all officers and employees will work together to create a culture and environment that respects the equality and human rights of all stakeholders, regardless of gender, age, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, and that is inclusive of diverse Please adjust / fix layout.

In our medium-term business plan, we aim to resolve customers’ issues and society’s issues with new technologies. To realize this goal, it is essential to create an environment where diverse human resources can maximize their abilities and take on the challenge of creating value. The promotion of diversity is the foundation of our efforts, and we are focusing on supporting the active engagement by women and persons with disabilities, and addressing sexual minorities.

Targets and Achievements

Indicator FY 2022 Results FY 2025 targets
Number of female managers 15 employees
(Group companies in Japan)
24 employees
(Group companies in Japan)
Rate of female new graduates hired 32.1%
(Group companies in Japan)
25% or more each year
(Group companies in Japan)


Promoting Women’s Active Engagement

We are engaged in initiatives under the key theme of creating an environment where women can demonstrate their abilities and developing leaders. In order to develop female leaders, we provide training to management candidates to improve their awareness and skills as leaders, and we also provide training to their supervisors on an ongoing basis to support their development.
We are actively hiring and assigning women to development engineering and service departments, where there have been few female employees in the past, in accordance with the characteristics of the work. In addition, we are working with the future in mind to strengthen the recruitment of women.

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

In cooperation with special subsidiary AMADA PLANTECH CO.,LTD., we have established the AMADA Group Employment Steering Committee for Employees with Disabilities to expand job opportunities for employees with disabilities. we welcome persons with mental disabilities to workplace training and tours and provide regular support follow-ups after hiring, linking these to enhanced recruitment activities and working toward proactive hiring. In addition, as an outside activity, we serve as a member of the school management council and provide lecturers for career support training at a special needs school, and actively participate in support for community members with disabilities.

LGBTQ initiatives

Every year, we conduct a survey on employee attitudes toward diversity to measure the degree of employee awareness and the extent to which measures have been implemented, as well as to identify issues. To ensure that all stakeholders, not only officers and employees, are receptive to diverse values and have the proper understanding and conduct, we have established the Guidelines on Sexual Diversity and provide training to promote LGBTQ understanding for employees in charge of human resources and general affairs, managers, and new employees at all Group companies in Japan.

Initiatives for elderly employees

The AMADA Group provides an environment in which highly motivated employees can choose their work style in accordance with their career plans and lifestyles, including their life circumstances and values, so that they can continue to play active roles after retirement age. We have developed a variety of flexible ways of working, such as working fewer days, working fewer hours, and working side jobs. Even after retirement age, many employees are working to create new value, develop human resources, and pass on technology by utilizing the skills, techniques, and know-how they have cultivated. We will continue to review our systems and create mechanisms to enable our highly experienced employees to maximize their abilities.

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