Creating a Rewarding Workplace

Basic policy

Our Basic Policy on Sustainability calls for creating a rewarding workplace where diverse employees can work with enthusiasm. Under this policy, we will strengthen the foundation to ensure that employees can work with peace of mind over a long period of time, centered around our internal environment improvement policy of creating a fulfilling workplace where employees can be comfortable and fulfilled in their work. Specifically, we will develop work styles that are appropriate to the environment and circumstances, and properly evaluate and treat work.

Targets and achievements

IndicatorFiscal 2023 resultsFiscal 2025 targetFiscal 2030 target
Paid leave acquisition rate74.3% (Group companies in Japan)80% (Group companies in Japan)100% (Group companies in Japan)
Childcare Leave Acquisition Rate
(Group companies in Japan)
(Group companies in Japan)
(Group companies in Japan)


Promoting use of paid leave

In order to address the issue of improving the paid leave acquisition rate, which has been a challenge for some time, we conducted a survey on employee attitudes toward paid leave. This survey revealed that employees feel that use of paid leave is beneficial, but that it is still difficult to actually take leave, and is informing new efforts to address this issue. Specifically, we are encouraging employees to utilize the paid leave promotion days and eliminating the need to provide a reason for applying for paid leave. In conjunction with the existing personal planned paid leave, we are encouraging employees to be aware of the need for a more balanced work schedule.

Paid leave acquisition rate

Graph: Percentage of employees taking paid leave
Scope: As of fiscal 2023, applies to AMADA CO., LTD. and the five operating companies in Japan.

Support for balancing work and childcare

In the support for the development of the next generation, we are implementing a range of initiatives to help both men and women balance work and childcare. To encourage male employees to take childcare leave, we have taken a number of measures to help facilitate smooth organizational operation. These include informing eligible employees individually about the childcare leave program, and using training sessions to encourage managers to become “Iku-Bosses,” or those who support employees’ childcare needs, and to provide specific examples on how to hand off employee work. In addition, we have increased the number of questions on male childcare leave in our employee awareness survey and shared the answers to these questions to foster a culture that is more inclusive of this kind of leave.

Childcare leave acquisition rate

Graph: Acquisition rate of childcare leave
Scope: As of fiscal 2021, applies to AMADA CO., LTD. and the five operating companies in Japan.
Includes leave through AMADA’s unique support leave system

Major next-generation development support programs

  • Providing next-generation development allowances to employees with dependents up to the age of 18
  • Extending the eligible duration for the shortened working hour system for childcare to cover the period up to a child’s graduation from elementary school, exceeding statutory requirements
  • Introducing a leave system for attending school observations
  • Introducing a unique AMADA support leave system for childcare and a spousal maternity leave system
Kurumin Certification
AMADA CO., LTD. was certified by the Kanagawa Labor Bureau’s Employment / Equal Opportunity Division (Office) on August 21, 2023, as a Child-rearing Support Company under Article 13 of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
Logo: Kurumin, a certified childcare support company in 2023

Promoting work-life balance

The AMADA Group promotes work-life balance so that employees can choose a work style that suits their diverse values and life stages. To date, we have worked to expand and improve our programs, which exceed statutory requirements, such as a support leave program and shorter working hour systems for balancing work with childcare and family care.
To curb long working hours, we have introduced a management system for overtime work based on legal compliance, as well as a work-interval system. We will continue to develop a comfortable work environment so that each employee can maintain a work-life balance and work with autonomy and flexibility.