Philosophy and Policies

AMADA Group Environmental Principles and Policy

AMADA Group Environmental Principles

The AMADA Group believes that preservation of the earth, a small planet in the universe, for the next generation is the biggest theme for human beings . Based on this idea, the AMADA Group positions environmental preservation as one of its most important management issues, and is committed to contributing to the prosperous future for people around the world through ecological manufacturing, to pass down this beautiful earth to our descendants.

AMADA Group’s Basic Policy on the Environment

1. Provision of products and services for protecting environment

Evaluate environmental load throughout the product life cycle, provide energy-saving and resource-saving services which eliminate hazardous substances, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and contribute to protecting the global environment.

2. Reduction of environmental load in business activities

In every process of business activities, thoroughly pursue reduction of environmental load by promoting energy efficiency improvement, energy saving, resource saving, expanding renewable energy, and recycling. Also, aggressively promote green procurement and try to eliminate the use of hazardous substances.

3. Efforts to live in harmony with nature

Maintain an awareness of the effects of business activities on the natural environment and make efforts to live in harmony with nature by using water resources effectively and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.

4. Compliance with environment-related laws

Comply with environment-related laws and other agreements concluded with interested parties.

5. Continuous improvement of environment management system

Build environment management system and make continuous improvement of it. Grasp effects of business activities, products and services on environment. Set environmental goals and targets and reduce environmental load as well as prevent contamination.

6. Enhancement of environmental education

Provide education aimed at environmental protection to improve sense of responsibility as a member of society and also boost awareness of environmental protection.

April 2023
Takaaki Yamanashi
Representative Director, President

Environmental Declaration

The AMADA Group seeks to practice management that leads to the advancement of both society and the Company in a sustainable manner by further promoting environmental protection activities. In addition, we will contribute to the prosperous future of people around the world by making the most of the engineering capabilities we have cultivated to date and providing eco-friendly and energy-saving products as a comprehensive manufacturer of metalworking machinery.

Environmental Declaration

“Building Connections through Ecological Manufacturing”
The AMADA Group aspires to become an enterprise to link with customers, society, and the world through eco-conscious manufacturing.

Producing eco-friendly machines at eco-friendly business establishments

All AMADA Group operations are carried out with the aim of achieving optimal compatibility between environmental preservation and business activities through the promotion of energy- and resource-saving efforts.

Our eco-friendly merchandise assists customers’ to manufacture eco-friendly products.

The AMADA Group’s eco-friendly products enable customers to manufacture energy-saving and highly efficient products at their plants.

Creating eco-friendly environments at customers’ plants

The AMADA Group contributes to the creation of eco-friendly environments at customers’ plants by utilizing its accumulated environmental know-how.

Environmental activity symbol

Our environmental activity symbol signifies the AMADA Group’s environmental activities. The M-shaped portion of the symbol represents AMADA FORUM, which is operated by the Group, and shows the Group’s overall commitment to environmental activities. There are two leaves at the top, with one leaf representing the AMADA Group as the Japanese zelkova tree (many of which are planted on the Isehara Works’ premises), and the other representing customers and other stakeholders, with the hope that we will continue to grow steadily while overlapping and supporting each other.Logo: Symbol mark for environmental activities