AMADA Group and the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (commonly known as SDGs), agreed upon at the UN Summit, contain 17 goals to change the world into a better place by 2030.
The corporate philosophy of AMADA Group is to grow together with our customers and employees and contribute to the international community by conducting sound corporate activities. By treating all the people involved in our business and the global environment with respect, we believe that our goals are the same as those set out in the SDGs.

AMADA Group has established this Basic Policy on Sustainability. Based on this, we have clarified key issues that Amada Group should address and initiatives to solve them. Additionally, the Group also decided on eight SDGs to focus on and contribute to through these activities.

Through these activities, AMADA Group will play an active role in building a sustainable society, working to achieve the SDGs and increase corporate value.

AMADA Group’s Key Issues SDG target contributions AMADA Group’s Initiatives
  • Realizing a decarbonized society
◆Reducing CO2 emissions from products (in customers’ factories)
  • Developing energy-saving machines that can reduce CO2 emissions
  • Developing energy-saving technologies
  • Increasing the product and sales ratios of AMADA Eco Products
◆Reducing CO2 emissions at business sites and plants
  • Introducing energy-saving equipment and promoting utilization of natural energy
    (LED lighting, solar power generation equipment, etc.)
  • Reducing energy and resource consumption by reducing the number of processes and improving equipment operation
    (Review materials, construction methods, and construction order, reduce standby power, etc.)
  • Contributing to CO2 neutrality through forest conservation
  • Monitoring the balance of (CO2) absorption in a state of environmental conservation
  • Creating a rewarding workplace
  • Promoting diversity
  • Developing and training human resources
  • Promoting personnel systems and measures that provide employees with a sense of job satisfaction
  • Promoting women's active participation
  • Fostering the next generation of human resources
  • Strengthening the management foundation
  • Complying with laws and regulations
  • Business continuity
  • Strengthening corporate governance systems to earn the trust of society
  • Establishing systems and mechanisms to ensure legal compliance
  • Enabling business operations to continue in response to anticipated risks that strengthen the system

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