Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Company name AMADA CO., LTD.
Founded September 10, 1946
Established May 1, 1948
Representative directors Tsutomu Isobe
Representative Director, Chairman
Takaaki Yamanashi
Representative Director, President
Stock listing Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Securities code: 6113)
Capital ¥54,768 million
Head office 200, Ishida, Isehara-shi, Kanagawa
259-1196, Japan

A global manufacturer of metalworking machinery

The AMADA Group, headed by AMADA CO., LTD. and consisting of subsidiaries and affiliates, is engaged in the manufacture, sale, lease, repair, maintenance, inspection, and testing of metalworking machinery and equipment as its principal business activities.

In addition to handling processing machinery mainly in the five main businesses of sheet metal fabrication, micro welding, metal cutting, grinding, and press automation solution, the AMADA Group also provides a comprehensive set of solution services ranging from computer software and peripheral equipment that control these machines to toolings and maintenance. As a global manufacturer of metalworking machinery, the AMADA Group contributes to the advancement of manufacturing by considering what is most needed from the customer’s perspective.