Awards Winners

The31st award

The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity President's Award

The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity President's Award



Metal TOP

●Material Type:SUS304 CSP ●Thickness:0.5mm

Mr. Masahiro Owada,
General Manager,
CADCAM Promotion Office

We honestly cannot help appreciating for receiving The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity Chairman’s Award consecutively on our work piece “Metal Top”. We have been participating in the Fair for years however, we shall do the same with challenger spirit.

When I was at the 30th Award receiving ceremony last year I found there was some company who had two entries therefore, we challenge with 2 teams this year like wise.

Metal Top team decides to produce top made of sheet metal although there is top match manufactured by cutting and the condition to make with sheet metal is to spin a top at least 2 minutes. We find when the top gets to spin for minutes by force, top doesn’t spin due to deformation occurrence. We, therefore, tighten the shaft and surface harder to keep turning by the center axis without deformation when top gets more force.

The top is now able to spin for 2 minutes as the bends is maintained uniformity as well.

We are very pleased with the achievement by challenging the hard work with passion.

The theme for next participation is fixed when we stand here, and we shall strive for manufacturing the challenging work piece according to the them for the next 32nd Fair.

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