●The 13th award winners
The Ministry of health, Labour and Welfare Human Resouces Development Bureau Director General's Award
The Japan Vocational Ability Development Association Award
The Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun Award
The Judging Commitee's Award
Formative Sheet Metal Working
The AMADA Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
Technical Award
Technical Encouragement Award

Material : SUS304BA
Thickness : 2.0mm

Conventional production methods are simply insufficient for satisfying the need for single-form product without weld structures at low cost. Canvassing for appropriate methods, we received a recommendation to "strike and stretch". Although we decided to run with this simple and clear-cut suggestion, it was no easy matter to devise a practical means and we took a long, hard look at the processes involved.
In the end, we settled on four processes: 1) Unfolded to a semicircular material and perforations with a turret punch press, 2) R-bend by brake roller, 3) Feed-rolling and 4) Cutting and finishing. In the rolling process, we used the unprecedented method of uniform rolling 1,300 times at a pitch of 0.5mm to obtain a distance of 650 mm to the tip. We adopted several other refinements and worked our way to completion.The result was a transformation of conceptualization. We were able to achieve structural harmony by using processing methods that held scratches to a minimum on the specular material susceptible to scratches. We suppose this was a major factor in this award. Craftsmanship requires more than just equipment. We plan to continue to incorporate new ideas into our work

Minoru Ishikawa