●The 16th award winners
The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award
The Japan Vocational Ability Development Association Chairman Award
The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Award
Assembling Technology
Forming Fabrication
Silver Award
Bronze Award
The AMADA Award
The Judging Committee's Award
Technical Award
Technical Encouragement Award


●Demand Accuracy:±0.2mm
●Material Type:SUS304#400


To resolve the distortion that is caused when a plate with V-shaped beads is processed with the specified bend radius, the quality, hardness, thickness, etc., of cushioning material are designed to form a uniform distribution of force according to bending conditions. We also racked out brains to set the welding conditions that do not affect the weld distortion that is caused when the halved shells are merged together, particularly the shape of parabolic beads. We imagine that we receives the award
because we could manufacture the product, which could be made only by cutting castings, by using a 1.5-mm thick stainless steel plate through expanding, beading, bending and welding processes. Moreover, the level of our proficiency and processing is high enough to create high-pressure air seals. This point might also be highly evaluated. Honestly, I felt "happy," when I saw the pleasure of the employees who received the award. On the other hand, I also felt that the award was a matter of course because I knew well our proficiency level was high enough. From now on, we will continue to create unique products aimed at lightness, thinness, shortness and smallness, and high performance and high quality, capitalizing on our design and manufacturing
proficiency as well as our know-how of processing thin stainless steel plates.

Fumio Kato