Developing and Training Human Resources

Basic Policy

The basic philosophy for human resource development at the AMADA Group is to cultivate talent who pursue creative and challenging activities. The ability to flexibly respond to changes in the external environment and take on the challenge of creating value, as well as the ability to think and act to resolve problems, are the driving forces behind our growth together with our customers. We also believe that in order to achieve further growth, it is important for diverse human resources to grow and play an active role on their own.

Based on our human resource development policy of developing the capabilities of diverse human resources and supporting autonomous career development, we provide job rotation and education and training based on employees’ career aspirations and career stages. In addition, we are working to strengthen the development of business leaders and female leaders, global human resources, and technical human resources in advanced and specialized fields.

Targets and Achievements

♦ Education and training hours per employee
FY2022 Achievements FY2025 Targets
37.6 hours
(Group companies in Japan)
40 hours
(Group companies in Japan)


Cultivating Business Leaders

In order to develop business leaders who will drive the sustainable growth of the AMADA Group, we focus on education and training for young to mid-level employees. Starting with new employee training, a six-month program instilling business and metalworking fundamentals, we encourage employees’ development and autonomous career building through multifaceted efforts such as job rotation, education by job title and type, and early provision of opportunities to experience management.
In addition, we provide female leader training for female candidates for managerial positions. This program not only supports the development of management and communication skills but also serves as a place to eliminate anxiety and build awareness about future career advancement.

The ENGINE Program, fostering the next generation of technology and business innovators

The ENGINE Program is a series of systematic training measures to develop the skills of young employees in their first 10 years of employment, designed to foster the next generation of human resources. In the first three years on the job, we use a range of programs to encourage young employees to develop their skills, support their growth, and maintain their motivation. This includes a system in which a senior employee serves as an older brother or sister to support their development, periodic career interviews, and off-the-job training by job title and type.

Cultivating Technical Human Resources

At the AMADA Group, we place particular focus on technical education for the human resources that underpin our characteristic direct sales and service system. In order to facilitate technical proposals at the AMADA GLOBAL INNOVATION CENTER (AGIC), newly opened in 2023, we have strengthened product training for sales representatives assigned there. For service engineers, we are steadily improving their skills through practical training programs using in-house equipment. We provide young engineers with ample opportunities to take on new challenges, including a system that allows them to propose development themes and a forum for presenting the results of their research. In addition, we have begun to develop specialized human resources to advance DX in the manufacturing and service sectors.
In 2024, we will open the AMADA Technical Education Center (ATEC) for employees to strengthen the development of technical personnel, as part of our efforts to further elevate our technical and proposal capabilities.

Cultivating Global Human Resources

To realize expansion in global markets, one of the growth strategies in our Medium-term Business Plan 2025, an important issue is the development and assignment of human resources who can succeed worldwide. To this end, we have established a global human resource registration system to provide a range of educational and training opportunities to employees who wish to be posted overseas or engage in overseas-related work.
The Overseas Business Study Program, in which young employees learn about business activities and market trends at overseas subsidiaries, is held every year as an opportunity for young employees to experience global business at an early stage. Meanwhile, we are also planning training programs for mutual understanding in which prospective leaders of overseas subsidiaries will study business strategies and Japanese manufacturing at the head office. Other systems and training opportunities, such as our language learning support program and fundamental education for global business, have been established to help employees acquire the wide range of knowledge and skills required for overseas operations, and to continuously develop the human resources that will support the global growth of the AMADA Group.

Interview with an Overseas Business Study Program Trainee

AMADA production management employee (age: 20s, male), dispatched to AMADA AMERICA, INC.

I decided to tackle overseas training because I wanted to learn about how different places look at factory operations and approach things differently compared to Japan. I also wanted to develop skills to handle coordination and collaboration between the Japanese head office and local subsidiaries in manufacturing in the future.
In the United States, I am learning about the flow of people, goods, and money throughout the plant, and daily training sessions are geared toward acquiring the ability to identify issues and formulate countermeasures to achieve manufacturing profit targets.

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